SDG 16 Peace Justice & Strong Institutions

Prequalification of NGOs for a rapid response mechanism in Eastern Africa

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Strategy & Concept development: International NGOs have become important Implementation Partners for our client, an international donor. However, a competitive selection of the best suited NGO takes time and can delay necessary assistance. Therefore, the client wanted to set up a rapid response mechanism. To establish this mechanism, we prequalified a pool of NGOs to enable quick project preparation.

Process facilitation & Training: We undertook a screening of NGOs active in relevant countries and sectors in East Africa and invited a large number of NGOs to submit an Expression of Interest. We assessed their capacities and experiences through a visit to their regional offices in Nairobi. For this purpose, we developed a customized assessment tool that operationalizes the donor’s requirements. Based on our analysis, we developed a comprehensive report that allows the client to easily identify relevant NGOs per country and sector.

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for a Refugee Fund in Uganda

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Project design & Evaluation: The Refugee Response Fund aims to improve basic social services in and around refugee settlements through projects implemented by international NGOs. Since specific measures and locations were not known, an ESMF was required to ensure compliance with international and national standards. We developed the ESMF including guidance and tools for how to address key E&S issues. In addition, we developed Environmental and Social Management Plans for the pilot projects in the education and WASH sector and a Land Acquisition and Compensation Framework for the case that land acquisition cannot be avoided.

Process facilitation & Training: We closely collaborated with a team of local experts and undertook joint field visits to project regions to look at potential project sites. In addition, we organized stakeholder consultations with local officials, potential target group members and schools to analyze land acquisition risks and identify other non-intended impacts. We held several workshops with the project implementing agency to familiarize them with the environmental and social standards, mitigation measures and safeguard instruments.

Toolbox for Remote Management and Monitoring of Development Projects

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Strategy & Concept development: Managing and monitoring projects and verifying information is challenging when security risks are high and travel is restricted. New technological solutions have the potential to make data collection and transmission easier and more reliable. At the same time, local project staff and the project target group can be important players in ensuring project success. We advised a major international donor on the possibilties and risks of remote managing and monitoring.

Project design & Evaluation: Through an analysis of good practices, we developed a toolbox for project managers that includes more than 60 examples of innovative approaches for remote programming. The toolbox also provides guidance on opportunities and risks, remote project cycle management, managing stakeholder conflicts, and addressing technology-related legal and regulatory issues.

Process facilitation & Training: We undertook broad consultations to develop the toolbox. We assembled approaches used in the private sector, the construction sector, development cooperation, NGOs and universities. At several stages of the study, we involved the client through participatory workshops, and we presented the results to a wide range of the client’s staff.

Developing a methodology for Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA)

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Strategies & Concept developement: A further development of the Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA) methodological framework was needed to integrate the dimensions of fragility and violence. We developed a practical guideline for conducting PCAs. The objective was to coherently interlock the steering instruments on the BMZ side (e.g. country strategies) with the steering instruments on the side of the implementing organizations (Minimum standards, PCA application) for improved coherence.

Process facilitation & Training: We conducted a series of workshops with GIZ, KfW and BMZ to facilitate expert discussions on best-practice approaches to conflict analysis and conflict monitoring. We facilitated the workshop, engaging participants and guiding the thought process using the metaplan method. In addition, we incorporated academic insights on the dimensions of state fragility and drew insights from our experience with risk assessment and management on the ground.

Revising the German implementation strategy for Afghanistan

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Strategy & Concept developement: Deteriorating security conditions pose great challenges to the activities of German Development Cooperation in Afghanistan, as they severely limit access of international staff to partners and project regions. Based on many interviews with experts located in the country, we conducted an in-depth analysis of implementation risks and assessed the openness of the Afghan government to reform and change. As a result, we developed various scenarios for a future engagement strategy in Afghanistan.

Project design & Evaluation: In order to develop concrete proposals, we also assessed the suitability of alternative implementation modalities to support the priorities of the Afghan government and adapt to the changing context. These included financing of UN organizations, working with international NGOs or funding additional Trust Funds. To that end, we developed a tailor-made assessment system with alignment, efficiency, risk and “Mitgestaltung” as major criteria.

Designing a Regional Migration Fund for the Horn of Africa

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Strategy & Concept developement: In order to address the pressing challenges arising from migration and displacement in the region, we supported the German government and IGAD in setting up a Regional Migration Fund. In discussions with target groups, government entities and experts, we identified as primary goals the improvement of economic opportunities in transit locations and inclusive socio-economic infrastructure in protracted displacement settings. The Fund’s innovative area-based approach and inclusion of local communities in investment planning enable a dynamic and needs-based response to local challenges.

Project design & Evaluations: In a design study, we developed the governance structure and operational set-up of the Fund. During this process, we had to balance the need for lean decision-making with sufficient control mechanisms in order to mitigate identified risks. In addition, we defined implementation modalities, with a focus on transparent location selection acceptable to all stakeholders. The central aspects of the Fund’s design were summarized in an Aide Mémoire signed by IGAD and KfW (see link).

Process facilitation & Training: To ensure ownership by IGAD and its member states, we facilitated several stakeholder workshops at the operational and management level. During various workshops, the workplan and interim results of our work were discussed, giving IGAD and KfW the opportunity to contribute their ideas and oversee the Fund development process. In addition, we compared guidelines and procedures of IGAD and KfW and negotiated harmonised rules for the Regional Migration Fund that we laid down in a Fund Manual.