Our strength lies in the extensive experience we have accumulated while working in countries across the Global South. Over the course of our company’s history, we have built up in-depth knowledge of policy environments and donor landscapes in a variety of country contexts. Our diverse set of analytical and methodological skills and our large network of local experts allow us to directly engage with local populations, companies and governments. We have undertaken projects in over 50 countries and, thanks to our diverse team, are able to communicate in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swaheli and other languages.

Given our cross-sectoral approach, we work with a broad range of clients and partners. Using methods of joint ideation, analysis, or feedback sessions, we love to interact closely with them in our work and strive to be responsive to their needs. While we aim to provide our clients with new ideas and innovative approaches, we also continuously learn from them and are grateful for their inspiration.

Our motivation is to contribute to a more equal world with opportunities for all on a healthy planet. To that end, we harness our thematic expertise in finance, education, agriculture, health, fragility and climate change. Over the course of the past 10 years, we have undertaken over 200 different development projects. The following diagram shows how these have contributed to the attainment of the individual SDGs. To conduct a similar assessment of your own organisation’s activities, please refer to our publication “The SDG contribution tool – a fresh look at your work”, in which the methodological approach is described in detail.