We believe in a world with social and political opportunities for all. This vision is based on Amartya Sen’s concept of development as freedom: Freedoms for all are both an end and means to development. We strive to support inclusive social and economic development which respects our planet’s unique and limited resources. To our mind, meaningful development strategies must build on the specific needs of local populations and our planet. They need to be conceived and implemented in a participatory way – involving stakeholders from the Global South and North. This is reflected in our vision:

In line with this vision, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the focus of our work. At the same time, we believe that equal opportunities for the Global South need a deeper change of our world. We are passionate about finding new ways to advance sustainability in organisations and projects.

We coined the term joyoountu as a combination of joy, cooperation and ubuntu. Our guiding principles are joyful interconnectedness, respect, helpfulness, sharing, community, caring trust, and unselfishness with a positive attitude.
Our name „joyn-coop“ reflects our philosophy – we join together different capabilities, strive to cooperate with all stakeholders and engage in our work with joy.