Strategy consulting for development

We support the implementation of the SDGs through a holistic approach, which combines strategy development with participatory processes. Our extensive expertise in the fields of development and sustainability enables us to provide our clients with tried and tested advice and facilitate beneficial change processes. In our work, we see ourselves both as a source of new ideas and a process facilitator.

Our services include

  • Strategy development and Conceptual studies
  • Project design and Evaluation
  • Organisational change, Process facilitation and Training

To achieve long-lasting impact, we often combine several of these elements in our assignments.

Our three core services are all focused on supporting our clients in successfully implementing their SDG agenda:

Strategy development for SDG implementation: We help organisations to maximise their contribution to the SDGs and to integrate considerations about sustainability and social impact into their core business operations and governance approach. Based on our extensive knowledge of how governments, firms and international organisations can increase their SDG impact, we develop targeted strategies and redesign processes to contribute to the SDG agenda. As part of this process, we organize joint analysis workshops and collaborative learning events, and serve as facilitators and moderators for consensus building within organisations.
Conceptual studies and knowledge products for the achievement of specific SDGs: We conduct conceptual studies to help address specific sustainable development challenges faced by our clients. These studies provide in-depth analysis of specific developmental issues as well as possibilities for improvement based on the incorporation of innovative approaches. We draw on our extensive thematic expertise in areas such as finance, education, agriculture, health, fragility and climate change, to provide suggestions that transcend sectoral boundaries. In order to foster open exchange and co-creation, we invite our clients and other stakeholders to actively participate in our analytical process.

Project design and evaluation: We are experts at designing projects which meaningfully contribute to concrete development. We also evaluate the effectiveness of existing projects and advise on adjusting project design based on our findings. Our work in this area comprises complex feasibility studies, participatory and evidence-based evaluations, and impact studies carried out for international development organisations and governments. In addition, we assist clients from the private sector in improving the social and ecological impact of their value chains.

Monitoring and reporting systems to measure SDG achievement and manage environmental, social, and climate risks: We work on solutions to monitor progress and identify and mitigate potential risks to sustainable development targets. To that end, we design and implement innovative (remote) monitoring systems to collect feedback from relevant stakeholders and to institutionalise learning. We also support compliance with environmental and social safeguards through adapted Monitoring & Evaluation systems and are experienced in conducting Peace and Conflict Assessments for projects in challenging country settings.

Partnerships and financing facilities for development: We help identify the most suitable financing instruments and implementation partners for specific development challenges. In addition, we have expertise in setting up funding mechanisms such as multi-donor funds to successfully mobilise different sources of capital and to allow partners from the public, private and not-for-profit sector to cooperate on projects effectively. For instance, we assist in launching calls for proposals, screening partners, and developing operational guidelines. We also help broker new partnerships and provide strategic advice for efficient inter-institutional collaboration.

Knowledge management and organisational development: As an integral part of our assignments, we initiate discussions with our clients on how to institutionalise the recommendations developed in our studies. We accompany change processes by facilitating internal discussions, coaching teams, and advising on changes in organisational culture. We believe that lasting change requires a clear and inspiring vision and commitment towards a common goal. Changes in team practices, reporting formats or feedback mechanisms are practical steps which can contribute to successful transformation.