Strategy & Concept development: After years of absence, donor support is returning to Togo and its health sector. Germany would like to focus its new engagement on strengthening the health system and providing critical and impactful health services to the most vulnerable. For this purpose, we conducted a comprehensive needs analysis and mapped existing support to the health sector to identify gaps and provide strategic recommendations.
Project design & Evaluation: We provided concrete suggestions for adapting and improving the existing health services and products to meet the specific demand and needs of women and youth. The first option consists of applying the model of social franchising to (private) health centers to improve reproductive health services. The second option consists of strengthening the regional public health centers to provide improved obstetric (emergency) care.
Process facilitation & Training: The options were developed through participatory approaches, such as focus group discussions with local stakeholders (health staff, community oversight committees, traditional leaders). We also conducted interactive workshops with key informants, government officials and donor representatives to develop priorities for action.